On the last weekend in Rapperswil was one of the two F5B/F5F Events. Because of the heavy rainfall the organiser had to move the whole competition site to an other location. So the event was held instead of Buttikon in Rapperswil. I was there on Saturday as a member of the jury.
From the tecnical point of view there was the test round with Lipos interessting. All other equipment was state of the art. The weather and food was fine. I enjoyed it very much.
Here are some pictures.
The new competition site had a remarkable land mark. Very good for selection between good pilot's and bad pilots. We had only good pilots :-) Here is Guntmar Rüeb lauching the spectra from Markus Möckli

The two brothers Roger and Pierre Bossard. Trés sympatic.
Guntmar Rüb with the spectra from Markus Möckli. Almost the whole German National Team was on the competition. Thanks Guys for coming.

The Worldchamp Wolf Fickenscher and Norbert Hübner . Two nice relaxed pilots.

The organiser of the contest Thomas Wäckerlin. He organised the competition and was simultaniously flying F5F and F5B. A man who is able to do different things at the same time. Real multitasking.

Fritz Jucker. He tried to fly according the new regulation with LIPO.

Brosman and Co. For me the best F5F Plane on the site. A flying wing. Details here under models

A good competition is only possible with good helpers. Thanks all of you.

Emil Giezendanner and his Crew. Everything was under control in a nice calm way. emil is one of the big promoter for electric flights in switzerland.

From the tecnical point of view there was the test round with Lipos interessting. All other equipment was state of the art. The weather and food was fine. I enjoyed it very much.
Here are some pictures.
The new competition site had a remarkable land mark. Very good for selection between good pilot's and bad pilots. We had only good pilots :-) Here is Guntmar Rüeb lauching the spectra from Markus Möckli

The two brothers Roger and Pierre Bossard. Trés sympatic.

Guntmar Rüb with the spectra from Markus Möckli. Almost the whole German National Team was on the competition. Thanks Guys for coming.

The Worldchamp Wolf Fickenscher and Norbert Hübner . Two nice relaxed pilots.

The organiser of the contest Thomas Wäckerlin. He organised the competition and was simultaniously flying F5F and F5B. A man who is able to do different things at the same time. Real multitasking.

Fritz Jucker. He tried to fly according the new regulation with LIPO.

Brosman and Co. For me the best F5F Plane on the site. A flying wing. Details here under models

A good competition is only possible with good helpers. Thanks all of you.

Emil Giezendanner and his Crew. Everything was under control in a nice calm way. emil is one of the big promoter for electric flights in switzerland.

Thomas Wäckerlin, Roger Bossard and Marco Cantoni.
See you next time in Switzerland.
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